The illustrations show the possible configurations using a Full-Height Chase. Panel One is identified in each drawing.
The solid line for each table depicts a Prep-Procedure Table with an abutted top or a Treatment Table, the dotted line depicts a Prep-Procedure Table with no top.
The dimensions included with the illustrations define the width and depth of each configuration using the Full-Height Chase.
The small dimension is based on the use of: 48-in. (121.92cm) table(s) with abutted top.
The larger dimension is based on the use of: 60-in. (152.40cm) table(s) with abutted top.
If you plan to use one 48-in. (121.92cm) table with abutted top instead of one 60-in. (152.40cm) table with abutted top, simply subtract 12-in. (30.48cm) from the larger W dimension.
Click Here to View Configurations.