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In-Line Style, 2-Station Regal Stainless Steel Prep-Procedure/Treatment Center: 12-ft Full-Height Chase

Station includes:

Regal 6 Recessed-End Prep-Procedure Table (knee space, 3 drawers, 1 door hinged right): Y10AA04B1U0E0A5

Regal Recessed-End Treatment Table: (1 door hinged left, 4 drawers, knee space) Y60HA01D0U0B1A5

Stainless Steel Abutted Top Regal Lower Cabinet (1 D-style drawer, 1 door hinged right): NRDQAEAACDRFHDR

Imperial Upper Cabinet, open: NAAAAAAAADREPBT

Regal Full-Height Chase, Cabinet Openings: Panel 4 lower, upper UFAAADAAAEPPREP

Faucet: 024601-E-Z-ZZ-V084-E*

Drain: 024647-Z-Z-ZZ-ZZZZ-Z*

*Faucet and Drain sold separately.
Width: 12-ft. 8.625-in. (3.88m) Height: 8-ft. 6-in.(2.59m) Depth: 2-ft. 6-in. (.76m) W

024601-E-Z-ZZ-V084-E* 12' 8.625" 3.88M 8' 6" 2.59M 2' 6" 0.76M Faucet: *Faucet and Drain sold separately.
024647-Z-Z-ZZ-ZZZZ-Z* 12' 8.625" 3.88M 8' 6" 2.59M 2' 6" 0.76M Drain: *Faucet and Drain sold separately.
NAAAAAAAADREPBT 12' 8.625" 3.88M 8' 6" 2.59M 2' 6" 0.76M Imperial Upper Cabinet, open:
NRDQAEAACDRFHDR 12' 8.625" 3.88M 8' 6" 2.59M 2' 6" 0.76M Regal Lower Cabinet (1 D-style drawer, 1 door hinged right):
UFAAADAAAEPPREP 12' 8.625" 3.88M 8' 6" 2.59M 2' 6" 0.76M Regal Full-Height Chase, Cabinet Openings: Panel 4 lower, upper
Y10AA04B1U0E0A5 12' 8.625" 3.88M 8' 6" 2.59M 2' 6" 0.76M Regal 6 Recessed-End Prep-Procedure Table (knee space, 3 drawers, 1 door hinged right):
Y60HA01D0U0B1A5 12' 8.625" 3.88M 8' 6" 2.59M 2' 6" 0.76M Regal Recessed-End Treatment Table: (1 door hinged left, 4 drawers, knee space) Stainless Steel Abutted Top
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Our Location:
275 Twelfth Street
Wheeling, IL 60090
PH: 800.323.7366
FAX: 847.537.9061
Monday - Friday CST
8:30 am - 5:00 pm