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In-Line Style, 1-Station Regal Stainless Steel Prep-Procedure/Treatment Center: 7-ft Full-Height Chase

Station includes:

Regal 6 Recessed-End Prep-Procedure Table (1 door hinged left, 4 drawers, knee space): Y10AA03D0V0B1A5

Regal Lower Cabinet (1 door hinged left): NRANAEAACDRFHDR

Regal Upper Cabinet, open: NAAAAAAAADREPBT

Regal Full-Height Chase, Cabinet Openings: panel one upper, panel two lower UFBCAAAAAEPPREP

Faucet: 024601-E-Z-ZZ-V084-E*

Drain: 024647-Z-Z-ZZ-ZZZZ-Z*

*Faucet and Drain sold separately.
Width: 7-ft. 6-in. (2.29m) Height: 8-ft. 6-in.(2.59m) Depth: 2-ft. 6-in. (.76m)

024601-E-Z-ZZ-V084-E* 7' 6" 2.29M 8' 6" 2.59M 2' 6" 0.76M Faucet: *Faucet and Drain sold separately.
024647-Z-Z-ZZ-ZZZZ-Z* 7' 6" 2.29M 8' 6" 2.59M 2' 6" 0.76M Drain: *Faucet and Drain sold separately.
NAAAAAAAADREPBT 7' 6" 2.29M 8' 6" 2.59M 2' 6" 0.76M Regal Upper Cabinet, open
NRANAEAACDRFHDR 7' 6" 2.29M 8' 6" 2.59M 2' 6" 0.76M Regal Lower Cabinet (1 door hinged left
UFBCAAAAAEPPREP 7' 6" 2.29M 8' 6" 2.59M 2' 6" 0.76M Regal Full-Height Chase, Cabinet Openings: panel one upper, panel two lower
Y10AA03D0V0B1A5 7' 6" 2.29M 8' 6" 2.59M 2' 6" 0.76M Regal 6 Recessed-End Prep-Procedure Table (1 door hinged left, 4 drawers, knee space):
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Our Location:
275 Twelfth Street
Wheeling, IL 60090
PH: 800.323.7366
FAX: 847.537.9061
Monday - Friday CST
8:30 am - 5:00 pm