Home » RODENT Cages » Stainless Steel Suspended Metabolism

This Stainless Steel Rod-Framed Metabolism Suspended Rodent Cages features either #2 x 16 gauge, #2.5 x 16 gauge, or #3 x 18 gauge welded wire mesh front and bottom. The one-piece wire mesh is welded to a rod-frame that is then welded to the front and bottom edges of the sides and back of the cage wrapper.

This creates flanges on the sides that act as runners to support the removable metabolism funnel. The solid wrapper is hemmed and flanged at the top, forming full-length suspension runners along both sides. These runners have lanced dimples to secure the cage on the rack. The back of the cage is fitted with a removable adjustable tunnel feeder and bottle holder.

The metabolism funnel, which is fitted with a feces separator, diverts liquids into a collection bottle (not included). The cage has a wire-formed handle welded to the front top. Also included is a 3" wide by 5" high cardholder.




  • Graduated bottle
  • Bottle stopper
  • Sipper tube


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275 Twelfth Street
Wheeling, IL 60090
PH: 800.323.7366
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Monday - Friday CST
8:30 am - 5:00 pm