Home » TABLES » Classic Stainless Bathing Tables

Efficient bathing equipment is an essential component of virtually every pet care facility. Whether your business specializes in regular preventative care, emergency services, boarding or grooming, you’ll build customer satisfaction when you send your clients home from your facility bathed, groomed and sweet smelling.

That’s why we offer an amazing number of bathing table combinations. We want you to be able to choose the exact bathing table configuration you need to be able to efficiently bathe the animals in your care. Select a Bathing Table with the faucet on left, back or right. You can even specify exactly which splash shields you need to minimize water damage from over spray. Our Classic series Bathing Tables are designed to allow the most comfortable working height.

But that’s not all. We even offer Bathing Table tubs with an easy access door located on the right or left side with a rotating walk-up ramp. You’ll never have to lift a heavy, wet animal in or out of the tub again. Imagine the convenience!

The entire Table — Tub, Splash Shields and Base — is made of Type 304 stainless steel, heli-arc welded for superior strength. All welds are ground smooth, and the entire tub assembly features a uniform, non-glare finish.

To see our Classic Bathing Table Features, click here.


Our Location:
275 Twelfth Street
Wheeling, IL 60090
PH: 800.323.7366
FAX: 847.537.9061
Monday - Friday CST
8:30 am - 5:00 pm